Zodiac Signs

August’s full Sturgeon moon, also known as the Blue moon, will be visible in the night sky August 22. We have everything you need to know about this cosmic event. The Blue Moon’s title is a result of sturgeon being caught in greater numbers within the great lakes after the rise of the August Moon,” Eva White, psychic and spiritualist at Psychics1on1, explains. The Perseid meteor shower also occurs during the full moon. The peak of the celestial event occurred between midnight on August 11 and dawn on August 13. White says that the peak of this celestial event has already been reached, with the moon rising at midnight on August 11 and dawning on August 13.

Zodiac Signs

We have overcome many challenges and will end the summer proud. Rejoice in your accomplishments. Accepting contracts and deals during this period is a good idea. Also, make peace with any issues that caused you conflict. The full moon gives us the courage to admit our mistakes, get over them and move on to fall. This is the third full moon of the season. It is also a time when we have extra luck in achieving our next set of goals. Expect to experience a sense of calm in your body, mind and spirit.

The full Sturgeon moon brings us emotional balance. After your confidence has risen, you can make a difference in your relationship and build relationships.


Big opportunities will present themselves in your career.


Feeling pulled in many directions? There’s a reason. You’ve put many things into motion, but you haven’t been able to focus on one thing this summer. Look at all the sides to you right now. It’s time to find what works best for you. This full moon recommends resuming education or travel plans.


Financial stability is on the way. Get ready to get paid after a big investment or hard work this year. Now is the right time to make an investment. You can expect your partner to benefit as well from these financial gains.

full moon


You’re finally seeing eye-to-eye or agreeing with a partner. You are attracting attention that will help your relationships flourish. VirgoYou are feeling overwhelmed and trying to keep up with everyone else. Remember that you are putting out more energy than is necessary to achieve your personal goals. Relax and let go of the pressure that you place on yourself. This is the right time to put your mind at ease. This month, you have a huge goal. Scorpio, you can expect more determination to improve your physical health and reach your goals. Expect movement, shift, and change. New energies are coming in and old energies are going. You might meet a new person, whether it’s a friend or a partner in crime. You could move out of a dangerous place or purchase a house or car. This is a significant investment but you are well worth it. Capricorn: The full moon will bring you what you need.


Be careful about what you spend and keep your money for a while longer. You will soon have more money after a major payoff or raise. After the full moon, it is better to invest more.


A little identity crisis has occurred this year. It’s been a while since you were unsure of your purpose in life, your beliefs and your purpose. You can find your truth with the Sturgeon moon. While you don’t let others walk all over your, you are tired of animosity and debate. Accept the terms of a relationship or job you are in, even if you don’t agree with them 100%. However, you will be rewarded for your understanding and compassion.