woman in blue hijab and abaya

Airbnb and Airbnb.org, an independent non-profit organization, are providing temporary housing free of charge to 20,000 Afghan refugees as a response to “one the greatest humanitarian crises of our times.” Many Afghan refugees have been forced to flee their homeland in recent weeks. Airbnb has joined forces with international agencies in order to offer urgent assistance to people in dire need, as the issue is rapidly progressing. This announcement follows the creation of Airbnb.org’s $25million Refugee Fund, which will enhance its global assistance to asylum seekers. Airbnb’s CEO Brian Chesky and donations to the Airbnb.org Refugee Fond cover the cost of the stay. “Where they live will be the beginning of their new lives as thousands of Afghan refugees move around the globe,” Chesky said. “I hope that these 20,000 refugees will find refuge in the Airbnb community, which will offer them not only a place to rest and restart but also a homely environment,” Chesky stated. You can help this cause by keeping your eyes open online.

woman in blue hijab and abaya