white and brown starbucks cup

Some of you may be mentally ready to order a PSL as soon as Starbucks opens this morning. However, Apple Crisp Macchiato will be a new fall flavor from the coffee company. Raegan Powell (a senior manager of the Starbucks research and design team) stated that it was essential to create an ingredient with a spicy baked Apple flavor to bridge an apple’s autumn red to espresso.

Consider how delicious a slice of warm apple pie goes with a cup coffee, or how Starbucks’ signature espresso blends with warm spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. The beverage is hot or cold and comes in a variety of flavors including apple, brown sugar, and cinnamon. It tastes just like freshly baked apple pie. You can also get the drink with espresso, steamed milk, and a caramelized spiced apple drizzle. This is made from apple juice, apple purée, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Keep your eyes open for the official launch.

white and brown starbucks cup